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Looking for a great train set for Christmas this year? The following are some train sets that I've sold before at train shows and like.  Kato sets have the most reliable track, while those from Bachmann usually work well, but the rail joiners on the Bachmann track can loosen over time, resulting in poor operation if care isn't taken when putting the track together and taking it apart. The Lionel sets are nice for small children, though the Thomas sets in HO have large wheels and are still very easy for young children to set on the track.   As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Here is a video I posted for the 2018 holiday season looking at three train sets that might be good options for those looking to pick one up as a give. One set is in N scale, one in HO scale, and one in O scale so you can compare the sizes between them. These sets ranged from $140-$200 at the time of purchase, but were all on sale.


â—† Lionel O Scale New York Central Set:

â—† Bachman HO Scale Blue Lightning Set:

â—† Kato N Scale Amtrack Superliner Set:


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